Hitler withdrew from the Disarmament Conference, and also then Germany was out of the League
Britain produced an ambitious disarmament plan
Hitler promised not to rearm Germany, if other nations destroyed their arms
February, 1933
Hitler became Chancellor, He started to rearm Germany, secretly
January, 1933
Germany announced it was comming back
December, 1932
An agreement was reached to treat Germany equally
September, 1932
Britainsent Germany a note in order to agree equality, it the superior tone got Germans even more angry
Germany proposed to all the countries to disarm at their level
The Kellog-Briand Pact marked the highest point of international relations
It´s terms were
The settlement or solution of all disputes shall only be sought by peaceful means
The parties condem war as a means of solving international disputes and reject it as an instrument of policy
In 1925 France, Britain, Germany, Italy, Poland, Belgium and Czechoslovakia met in Locarno in order to negotitate
Germany Finally was accepted in the League of Nations and it was welcome in 1926
France and Geemany accepted to take their fights into the League of Nations
Germany accepted Rhineland to stay as a demilitarised zone
Germany accepted borders with France and Belgium that were taken out in the Treaty of Versailles
Britain and Italy would protect France if Germany didn’t obey