によって Sahil Sahil 3年前.
Disney has carved a niche for itself by creating unique toys and entertainment experiences that resonate with both young audiences and those seeking nostalgia. Their products often draw inspiration from popular shows, cartoons, and video games, such as Disney Infinity and Epic Mickey.
Fun for the whole family video games Disney Universe Epic Mickey Disney Infinity Descriptive
Modifier Toys unique from other toys (tech) Young audience Based on popular
shows/cartoons Play Disneyland / Theme Parks Joyful Trip with family
or friends Action Fun Happiness Innovative Repurposed
old ideas Original ideas childhood Nostalgia Show reboots Old TV shows Exposure to Disney, has the ability
to bring out these feelings Parents remember the feeling
of being a child Innocence Influence Carefree TV Shows Multiple TV networks For all age groups Cartoons Disney's brand mantra: Playful Emotional
Modifier Friends & Family Entertainment Brand
Disney Quality Entertaining shows rides Enjoyable Inclusive has grown as a brand to represent more ethnicities and cultures for all age groups Playful / Fun many different activities Engaging Magical Fairytales Aims to makes
fiction a reality Energetic Youthful Active Lively Experience Family & Friends Household names Builds connections