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E-Bike Project
An e-bike project is being considered, focusing on corporate partnerships with hotels, restaurants, and major companies in the city. The plan includes establishing charging stations and designated parking areas, although a free-floating option is also available.
E-Bike Project Marketing Pop store éphémère Partenariats avec les clubs sportives partnership with major corporates and sports companies in the area. Marketing. Social media Free Platform to promote my business Budget prévisionnel Bank Business Loan Open a business account Compte résultats prévion Bilan prévisionnel spreadsheet Type of model Corporate model partnership with hotels restaurant and major companies in the city. Charging station the vehicle are park in designates areas Free Floating the vehicle are park anywhere Permit SMTC Responsible for all the public transportation in Clermont Letter to the Mayors office Communicate avec la ville Insurance Legal entity Open a business account Registration for tax number Business registration Lawyer Launch day Subtopic collaborate with a supplier spare parts. software company software for the vehicles. Payments GBS tracking. price of the vehicle cost of the vehicle type of vehicles that will last versatile vehicle can cost you less on maintenance. quote from different supplier Package Business model On-demand Based Model The user can use the vehicles by using one of the apps Subscription-Based Model the user can subscribe the vehicle for one month or more Rent Base clients can rent the vehicles monthly Identify area for stations Garage for storage space for office space for storage Competitions already available compete with other E vehicle already available in the area. eg Price, availability of the vehicles in areas Comapanies station them near big companies for their workers. Population of the area Total population gives you idea of the total number of users Schools and university station the E vehicles near university and local schools for the student Stratégie and planning Is it profitable? Get a good business adviser How to generate revenues? contact other E vehicles comapnies Due diligent Targeted customers workers in the center General Public Tourist Cost to run the operation Capital to start the business Loan money from the bank
self funded