によって shinta renika 6年前.
Education plays a vital role in individual and societal development by fostering personal growth, enhancing moral and ethical values, and equipping people with necessary skills and knowledge.
NPM : 1711040154 Class : 3 D Name : SHINTA RENIKA What is the Importance of Education in Our Life? Education Can Create Better Human Beings Frustation Lower Self-esteem Bad Habits Ethical Values Good Quality Broader Vision Personal Growth Formal Education Access Full Potential Understanding the Responsibilities an Educated Person Make this World a Better Place to Live in Proper Education Back Bone of Society Educated People Clean Organization Infrastructure Healthy Society Health Care Moral Values Uneducated Person Lack of Education Poor Living Standards
Poor Health
Domestic Violence
Educated Person Cleanliness Hygiene Supporting the Growth of the Nation Social benefits of Education Scientists Policy makers & Officers Entrepreneurs Aspect of Education Set of skills Practical experience Knowledge Books