によって Elin Agefur 4年前.
Elin Agefur
Spanning the 19th and 20th centuries, significant developments in Swedish and European history include various political ideologies and movements. The Second Industrial Revolution played a pivotal role in shaping economic and social structures, leading to the rise of socialism and the labor movement.
Political ideas Freedom Equal rights "We" and "them" Natural rights NSDAP Holocaust Not enough workforce Socialdemokraterna Free right Education European solidarity European emigrants New/free thinking Napoleon war Inequality Good economy Both structuralism and idealism LEGEND Swedish Phenomena Major process or event bidirectional causation connected but not casual indirect cause Direct cause Phenomenon Idealism Structuralism Feminism Industrialization and Democracy: A Visualization Connecting some Major Developments in Swedish and European history from the 19th and 20th Centuries Saltsjöbadsavtalet (Sverige) Folkhemmet (Sverige) Parliamentarism (Sverige) Arbetarrörelsen (Sverige) Proletariat (Sverige) Folkskola (Sverige) Emigration (Sverige) World War One European Union Nationalism Socialism Second Industrial Revolution Nazism Skifte (Sverige) Invandring (Sverige) Class Society Cold War Folkrörelser (Sverige) Rösträttsrörelsen (Sverige) Kvinnorörelse (Sverige) Fall of the Soviet Union Näringsfrihet (Sverige) World War Two Women’s Movement French Revolution Liberalism First Industrial Revolution Enlightenment 2000 1900 1800 1750 Elin Agefur