によって Duvan Hernan Pamplona 3年前.
What is your business proposal about?
Give it a name. Type it in.
Related information about the options that have been identified might be needed. Add resource(s).
Summarize your alternative points. Add a conclusion.
Disadvantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view. Add a disadvantage.
Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view. Add an advantage.
What other options could solve the problem? Add an alternative.
Related information about the options that have been identified might be needed.
Add resource(s)
Summarize your alternative points.
Add a conclusion
Pérdida brusca del tono muscular, ante estímulos externos inducidos por emociones o circunstancias que originen sobresaltos
Disadvantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add a disadvantage
Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.
Add an advantage
Summarise your points about your solution.
Add a conclusion
Acknowledge disadvantages early and deal with them in your proposal.
Add a disadvantage
Acumulación de colesterol libre y de glucoesfingolípidos en los lisosomas
Match up the solution with the issue or opportunity that you are addressing.
Add detail(s)
Develop the key points of your proposed solution.
Add a note
Describe the further actions for a commercial and a non-commercial proposal.
What are the next steps?
Add details of next actions for a non-commercial proposal.
Add delivery details for a commercial proposal.
Do you need a glossary for any specific technical terms you are using?
Add a term.
Add the description for it.
Include any detailed data in appendices rather than break up the flow of the proposal.
Identify the contents of an appendix for your proposal.
Add an appendix.
Describe the current position that your client is in.
This creates some common ground, which is a good platform for discussing your solution.
Disminucion de absorcion hepatica
Aumento bilirrubina en sangre ( plasma)
Fijacion sobre tejidos ( ojo - piel)
Pigmentacion amarillenta
Categoría integridad tegumentaria
Summarize your proposal at the beginning of the document. Add a sum-up.
Control postural afectado
Categoria Postura
Debilidad muscular
Movilidad articular disminuida
Rango de movimiento
Categoria Desemepeño muscular
What do you know about the client's requirements?
Is your proposal in response to an inquiry?
Has there been provided a Request for Proposal (RFP) or other resources that you can work with?
If you have relevant materials in other files, you can attach them to this topic.
This section should not be included in the proposal.
Lesión de origen central
Compromiso motoneurona
Categoria Integridad refleja
Procesamiento sensorial
Preparación fisiologica
selectividad del ambiente
Categoria Alerta, atención y cognición
Perdida sinapsis neuronales
Afecta función cognitiva, conductual y motora
Funciones superiores comprometidas
Lenguaje e intelecto
desarrollo de la interacción nerviosa
Categoria integridad de los nervios perisfericos y pares craneales
Conducción aferente y eferente disminuidas
No hay relación con el medio
No hay integracion de información del medio
Categoria integridad sensorial
Hitos del desarrollo no completos
Habilidades y destrezas no adquiridas
Categoria desarrollo neuromotor
Aprendizade motor comprometido
Categoria función motora
Categoria Marcha, locomoción y balance
Defining clear objectives is the key to building a good proposal.
What are your objectives?
This section should not be included in the proposal.
Transporte molecular alterado
Aumenta la prevalencia de infecciones
Disminuye la funcionalidad
Categoria Vetilacion, intercambio gaseoso, circulación
Who is the audience for this proposal?
Who will read it and act upon it?
Afectación sobre el crecimiento
Categoria Medidas antopometricas