によって David Perea 6年前.
The content outlined is designed for 3rd ESO students, focusing on various aspects of English grammar and language skills. It includes detailed units covering different tenses, such as future continuous and past perfect simple, and explores conditionals ranging from zero to third conditional.
Contents of 3 of ESO Wrtings A narrative in past Mindmap Padlet QR Code grammar Past perfect simple Past simple passiva Present simple passive Modals Relative pronoms Defining relative clauses 3rd conditional 2nd conditional 1st conditional Comditional 0 Future continous Future tenses Present perfect simple Past continous Used to Past simple Comparison of adverbs Present simple/ Present continous Comparison of adjectives Articles & quantifiers There is/ There are/ There was/ There were listenings A classroom lesson An animal description A police interview A dialogue about laws A radio programme Conversations about problems A food disscusion A description of a dinner Direcctions Phone conversations A conversation about travel plans Travel plans A job interview A class presentation A dialogue about atrip A disscusion about a newspaper article Listening practise 3rd ESO vocubulary Appliances Inventions Crime reports Crime Adjectives of personality Relationships Menus Adjectives Around town Places in town Travel Travel items Activities Achievements Feelings Journeys Vehicles Weather Jobs Geographical features speakings Reporting a crime Making excuses At the restaurant At the tourist office Personal Details TV programme Hotel reservation The dialogue Getting started Introducing myself The weather forcass Readings Books Dracula Henry VIII and his six wifes A foreigner in Britain Jump to freedom Unit 8 Dr Nakamatsu-Inventor! Unit 7 Newspaper articles News of the week Unit 6 A legend Damon and Pythias Unit 5 A magazine article Eat to live or live to eat? Unit 4 Home and away Unit 3 A travel magazine article Travelling with a difference! Unit 2 A web page AKB48 fan webside Unit 1 A blog entry Always in the go