によって Pedro Alcázar 9年前.
This guide provides an extensive overview of key aspects of English grammar and vocabulary, focusing on common prepositions, phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions, and frequent mistakes.
EnglishWithAlex Verbs To fraund vs To smile To crave To dress (Complete) - To wear (Something) To go on a trip - do - take To Mash - To Squash - To squeeze To nag - To chase up (Work) To Mumble Prepositions To argue WITH - To fight WITH To fed up WITH To scream AT Word + ING To mind To miss Any phrasal verb To remember To Dread To Fancy Before - After To Used to To Avoid Phrasal Verbs To bung up - nose congestion To psych up (Mental) - To pump up (Body) To push in - To cut the line To get on well To put up with To bump into To get by (Money, Language) To get away with To end up To get sucked into - Something sucks you in To Chicken up - To Give up To get rid something off (bad mood) To brush up To put it together Sustantives Cork - Screw cap - Lid A perk Customs and Excise Side line Quaint (Old fashion in a good way) Frenemy A Tantrum Seal - Bottle lids Beads Mistakes To discuss something (without about) To GET bored - I'm GETTING boring All day - The whole day My sister's appartment (people and time) Either X or Y Adjectives Doggy Unspoilt vs Spoilt Striking Stubborn Bland - tasteless Pushy Damp (Cold) - Humid (Hot) Terraced - Semidetached - Detached Fine vs Coarse Hilly - Steep - Here come the hill! Sensitive (Emocional) - Sensible (Prudent) Wobbly Grumpy Smug - smug smile Grotty Clay Over the top vs Subtle Biased Hassle Fussy (Make a fuss) Idioms To be torn between... To get someone to do something The penny drops! To make ends meet It's on the tip of my tongue To break your balls Might as well! - I might as well walk, come The time flights vs drags To Find your feet - To do your groundwork Hustle and bustle That was a close shave - near miss Cutting edge something - Something on the cutting edge - The state of the art Cold Turkey - Craving