によって adam patel 15年前.
Establishing Communist Rule
The Bolshevik revolution initiated profound transformations in Russia, leading to the establishment of a communist state under Lenin's leadership. The regime implemented radical changes, including the nationalization of large factories and the redistribution of land from nobles to peasants.
Introduced During Civil War Large Factories taken over by governmnet Strikres were illegal Strikers shot Rationing Requistioning Dictatorship of the Proletariat' unitl fully communist siad lenin Censorship CHEKA Arrested an killed opponents Totalitarian Sate more egalitarian Abortion allowed Divorce allowed Taught to read History latin banned scienece encouraged pensions unemployment pay 8 hour day Curches destroyed Preist killed Communist Morals Education Labour Law Religion Banned Elected committees of workers controlled factories Land taken from nobles and given to peasants Russia Lost Lituania Latvia Ukraine Estonia Treaty gave good agricultural and indutrial land to Germany Bolsheviks Ended War 1917 Ruled By Decree Killed Objectors Closed Assemly Lenin Did Bolshevik=175 seats, Social Revolutionaries =370 seats Election Nov 1917 Establishing Communist Rule Communist State Brest-Litovsk Governmnet changes Communist Society Terror War Communism