によって Alain Garrido 15年前.
A scholar named Faustus, unsatisfied with his vast knowledge, turns to magic and ultimately makes a pact with the devil, trading his soul for 24 years of service from Mephatophilys.
Faustus Scene 5 Starts thinking of god and angels appear Helzebub, Lucifer and Mephatophilys show him 7 sins Its never to late to repent He asks where hell is and who created the world Doesnt answer who created the world He almost regrets when his blood doesnt drain well Lucifer brings rich things Faustus Accepts Lucifer wants his soul to make a bigger kingdom 24 years Scene 4 Wagner convinces clown to be his servant for 7 years Scene 2 Wagner makes jokes 2 scholars appear Leave because valdes and cornellius are into black arts Scene 3 Sings in latin Soul for 24 years of service Mephatophilys appears as a monk
Renounces to heaven and god ally of hell
Scene 1 Good angel and bad angel Bad angel wins Tells wagner to call his friends Cornellius Valdes Faustus not satisfied with knowledge Magic