カテゴリー 全て - environment - tourism - investment - crime

によって Carter Spiece 12年前.


FDI SWOT Map for Grading

Costa Rica faces several challenges, including high deforestation rates, poor transportation infrastructure, and significant crime issues, particularly pick-pocketing, muggings, and organized crime activities.

FDI SWOT Map for Grading

Costa Rica


On August 30, 2011, the Costa Rican government signed a $1-billion concession with Dutch company APM to build a new port terminal in Moin. An estimated 2,000 direct and 8,000 indirect jobs will be created
The Caja Costarricense, Costa Rica’s national medical system is available if a legal resident or citizen.
Baby Boomers have a vast range of working oppourtunities in tourism, small business development, etc. All on a part time basis.
Cheap Realestate until this date ( areas including the Southern Zone, stretch along the Caribbean Coast currently undergoing a billion dollar face lift, and lake property on both East and West end.
Back in the early 1980s, International Living recommended buying real estate in Costa Rica's Northern Zone. Readers who took this advice reaped big rewards. This part of Costa Rica became the No. 1 destination among foreign retirees and investors.


Costa Rican nationals and third county nationals participate in organized crime. Organized crime consists of car theft rings, drug traffickers, petty thieves, and burglars.
In the past year, 11 United States citizens were sexually assaulted in tourist areas. Since 2007, at least 14 U.S. citizens have been murdered
Costa Rica ranks among the top three countries in the world in U.S. passports thefts
Crime Threats- Pick-pocketing, muggings, purse snatching, and theft are common occurrences in Costa Rica and seem to be the biggest issues confronting tourists while visiting
Located in an active earthquake and volcanic zone
Poor roadways and transportation involving landslides and washed out roads being common
Result of deforestation, therefore, is decreased plant diversity, which leads to decreased animal diversity
Environmental Threats- Cattle ranching not only causes large-scale deforestation, but causes soil erosion, nutrient depletion of grazed lands, and ground compaction that prevents many plants from growing


Police response times vary due to the lack of manpower and vehicles
Poor transportation and roadways
50% of land outside of protected parks and reserves is still densely forested
Highest rates of deforestation in Central America and, in fact, in the world. Overall, ranked fourth, with 3.9% of its forested area being cut each year (about 65,000 hectares, or 160,000 acres
One-third of Costa Rica 's forest cover was lost between 1950 and 1985


Great Tourism Attractions, Generating Large profit for the country as a whole (2million tourists in 2010)
December 1st, 1949, the army abolition, placed Costa Rica as an example of peace to all the world
Costa Rican products enter duty-free to the U.S. through the Caribbean Basin Initiative, to Europe through the General System of preferences, and to Central America and Mexico through bilateral free trade agreements
Ports for shipping on both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, serving as a well used operations base for world markets
Excellent ranking as a low risk country due to corporations being able to control their own assets, all guaranteed by law
Among the three countries with the longest life-expectancy rates in the world (76 years).
Free Health System
Highest literacy rate of the American Continent (95%)
Highest United Nations’ Human Development Index among developing nations