によって Aditya Sharma 1か月前.
Fitme App
A team of students along with a project mentor are working on developing an application called Fitme. The team includes a Domain Expert, SCRUM Master, QA Lead, and a SCRUM project owner, each with specific roles and responsibilities such as software architecture, quality assurance, system analysis, and development.
Fitme App Design Requirements Coding Standards Comments( JavaDoc/XML/DocString style) Design patterns SOLID Principle UML Models Deployment Diagram Design Model(Class, Sequence, Component diagrams) Domain model Use-case model Team Composition Project Mentor Role: Domain Expert, Customer, User Student #3: Responsibilities: Risk Analyst, Developer, Tester Role: QA Lead Student #2: Responsibilities: Software Architect, Developer, Tester Role: SCRUM Master Student #1: Responsibilities: System Analyst, Developer, tester Role: SCRUM project owner Project Plan Deliverables Final Project Report Project Communication(teams) Reflection Blogs Demo video Local and cloud GIT repository Source Code(IDE + Assets) UML model( visual paradigm) Individual Responsibilities Clear documentation in source files Classes authored by a single member Each Use case assigned to one member Overview At least Three iteration Required Cover Full Software Engineering lifecycle Group Project for SYST 30025 Project Requirements System Cloud Based Backend( ASP.NET Core) Process Testing: Unit Test Frame Work Source Code Control( GIT, Bitbucket) Requirements, design, and documentation( Visual paradigm) Team Communication( Teams) Formal Project Plan(JIRA) Content Data tier: Database with at least 1 main table per member Business Logic tier: 3+ use-case (1 per member) Presentation tier: 9+ views(3 per Team Member)