によって Emily White 3年前.
Formative Assessment Tools
Various digital tools are available to assist teachers in conducting formative assessments, gathering feedback, and engaging students interactively. Tools like Formative, Plickers, Quick Key, and Kaizena enable real-time tracking and feedback on student performance.
Formative Assessment Tools Feedback Quick Key Quick Key allows teachers to grade and give students feedback on assignments. Plickers Plickers allows teachers to give formative assessments without needed student devices. Kaizena Kaizena allows teachers to give students feedback on assessments they have completed in real time. Formatiive Formative allows teachers to track students in real time, give students feedback, and collaborate all at the same time. Surveys SurveyMonkey SurveyMonkey is a tool that allows teachers to create surveys for students to complete. Poll Maker Poll Maker allows teachers to make polls that have multiple choice answers for students to complete. Obsurvey Obsurvey lets teachers design surveys and questionnaires for students to complete. MicroPoll MicroPoll allows teachers to create their own polls to get student feedback. FreeOnlineSurveys This tool allows teachers to create their own surveys for students to complete. Quizzes Crowdsignal Crowdsignal allows teachers to make online quizzes and questions for students to complete. Quizalize Quizalize allows teachers to create different quizzes and homework assessments for students to complete. Quia Quia allows teachers to use or create quizzes and games for students to answer. Quizizz Quizizz allows teachers to find quizzes of create their own for students to take as a class. Quizlet Quizlet allows teachers to create flashcards, quizzes, games that students can use for assessments. Yacapaca Yacapaca allows teachers to create and assign quizzes to students in the classroom. Triventy Triventy allows teachers to create quizzes for students to take in real time online. Gimkit Gimkit allows students to answer questions at their own pace at school or at home. Edulastic Edulastic allows teachers to create online assessments for students complete. Kahoot Kahoot is an online tool that has game-based quizzes for students to complete as a class. Recording and Video Seesaw Seesaw is a Vedic tool that allows students to record what they know and teachers and parents can view their videos. Flipgrid Fliipgrid allows students to respond to given prompts in a short video. Animoto Animoto allows students to make a short video on what they have learned. Edpuzzle Edpuzzle allows students to watch videos that are created to teach and assess learning.