によって Scott Maxwell 2年前.
Game Flow
The game structure revolves around the acquisition and use of various keys dropped by different entities within the game world. Players start in a tutorial phase where they are introduced to the mechanics and objectives.
Arena Modulator Boss LoopBack Sequel Key Puzzle Gate Checkpoint Field Guard NPC Key Dialogue Act 1 Scene 3 Mentor NPC Dialogue Gate Muscle Modulator Key Information Act 1 Scene 2 Muscle Gate Hidden Gate Item Gate Key Item Act 1 Scene 1 Start A2.3 A2.2 A2.1 A1.3 A1.2 A1.1 Linear + Backtrack Domain Border World Keystone World Nexus Champion Keystone Vanguard Vanguard Outrider Keystone Sentinel Border Sentinel Trial Idol Domain Sentinel Kinship Idol Domain Head Chaos Beyond The Veil Progression Domain Sentinels drop keys to Domain Heads, which drop keys to Kinship Idols Each Border Sentinel drops half of a key to a Domain Sentinel Each Keystone Sentinel drops a key to a Border Sentinel Each Nexus Champion drops a key to summon its Keystone Sentinel, or one of its neighboring Nexus Champions Each Keystone Vanguard drops a key to summon its Nexus Champion, or a neighboring Keystone Vanguard Each Vanguard Outrider drops a key to summon its Keystone Vanguard Trial Idols drop keys to summon 2 of 3 Vanguard Outriders, one of the opposite element, and one of either of the neighbors of the opposite element Linear Hubs + Backtrack Hub 1 Act 2 Exploration Metroidvania Branching Hubs Linear Hubs Open-World Hub-Based Branching Linear 2.3 2.2 2.4 2.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 End Hub Start Hub World SQA SQB Hub 2B Hub 2A Hub 3 Hub 2 Hub 1 SQ Act 3B Act 3A End Act 3 Act 2 Act 1 Hub Tutorial Game Flow