によって Jamie Smith 12年前.
Group 3
The integration of both digital and hands-on tools in educational settings enhances the learning experience. Smartboards and clickers, along with Leapfrog devices, offer interactive ways to engage students.
Digital Tools Communication Online grade reports Parents, sudents can view Email Newsletters Podcasts Foregin Language Stories Blogs Hands On Tools Leapfrog Subtopic Laptop/Netbook cell phones Clickers Interactive Games Powerpoint Games Hollywood Squares Jeopardy Educational Software Typing Games Oregon Trail WebQuests made by self or others Web Applications Choose from the many free applications online Smartboard Many online games can become interactive for the whole classs by using a smartboard Collaboration Prezi- collaborate when working together on a project, group members can work together at the same time Smart Board-class can take turns using it and get help from peers Group Blogs-Good tool for group responses to an activity or reading