によって John Castro 4年前.
In the workplace, employees need a combination of skills to effectively perform their duties. Hard skills are specific, technical abilities that can be measured and evaluated, such as proficiency with software tools or specific job-related tasks.
Are the personal qualities that help employees really thrive in the workplace Qualitative scale Intangible Characteristic Personality Personal experiences Participating in a sports team Life-long professional Abilities that employees need to perform their job duties effectively Evaluation Resumes Assignments Portfolios
Measuring Numerical Criteria Yes/no Develop On the Job Practice Education HARD SKILL VS SOFT SKILL Questions about tool management tools. eg: do you know how to use windows office tools? Both are much relevant in a job interview Hard Skills Know How Good on paper Knowledge Skills Specific Job duties Technical Accountat
Bussines Manager
Tools Behavioral questions about past experiences in other companies, e.g: How you identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses to assign duties? Soft Skills Personal relations Managerial skills Decision-making Problem-solving skills Definition Comunication Collaboration Leadership Adaptability