によって Juana Romero 9年前.
Hemodynamic Terminology
The concepts of hemodynamics involve understanding various parameters that influence heart function and blood circulation. Key measures include cardiac output, which is the volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute, and cardiac index, which adjusts this volume based on body surface area.
terminology Contractility Strength of
contraction ⇧ when preload
is un▲ yet ♡ contracts
⇧ forcefully Vascular
resistance SVR & PVR
reflect afterload Afterload CO can be restored
& myocardial 02 needs
⇓ by ⇓ afterload Vasodilators
can ⇓ afterload Forces opposing
ventricular ejection mass & density
of blood moves systemic arterial
pressure Preload Frank-Starling's
law: the ⇧ a
myocardial fiber
is stretched, the
during filling, the
⇧ it shortens
during systole &
⇧ the contraction
force PAWP-measurement
of pulmonary capillary
pressure, reflects left
ventricular end-diastolic
pressure left-ventricular
ventricular preload Volume within the
ventricle @ the end
of diastole Cardiac output &
cardiac index Preload, afterload,
& contractility
determine SV(&
thus CO and BP) Pulmonary vascular
resistance (PVR):
opposition encountered
by the right ventricle Systemic Vascular
resistance: opposition
encountered by the left
ventricle Stroke Volume
index: measurement
of SV adjusted for BSA Stroke Volume:
volume ejected w
each beat Cardiac index:
measurement of
CO adjusted for
body surface area Cardiac output:
volume of blood
in liters pumped
by the heart in 1