カテゴリー 全て - league - treaty - unemployment - allies

によって valentina schwerdtfeger 4年前.


Hitler Actions

En 1933, Hitler ascendió al poder en Alemania y comenzó a implementar políticas para reducir el desempleo, incluyendo la rearmamentación secreta. En 1934, la Conferencia de Desarme de la Liga de las Naciones colapsó, demostrando la impotencia de este organismo.

Hitler Actions

Hitler Actions


Hitler sent his troops into Austria in March
Hitler and Mussolini were now allies


Hitler turned hus attention to his homeland of Austria
Italy also singed.Anti-Comimtern means Anti-Communist International
The League of Nations looked on helplessly


Germany and Japan signed an Anti-Comintern Pact
A civil was broke out in Spain between Communidtd and right-wing rebels under General Franco
Hitler took his fisrt really big risk by moving troops into the Rhineland area of Germany


The League Nations held the promised plebiscite for people to vote on wheather their region sholud return to German rule.
Britain has already helped to dismantle the Treaty by singing a naval agreement with Hitler
Hitler openly staged a massive military rally celebrating the german armed forces.


The collapse of the League of Nations Disaramament Conference


Rearmament began in secret at fisrt
Thousands of unemployed workers were drafted into de army
This helped to reduce unemployment and also helped him to deliver his promise to make Germany storng again.
Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933