によって Filip Biskup 1年前.
How archaeologists date/find stuff
Archaeologists have several methods at their disposal to date and locate ancient artifacts. To determine the age of objects containing organic material, they often use Carbon-14 dating.
How archaeologists date/find stuff how do archaeolists know where to look Lidar Discovery of older civillsdations Maps First Hand information Such as stories diaries books and ect Sonar to find stuff underwater Geoghipical survey Using scientific instruments to find stuff under ground Dating objects Chemical test identify chemicals in objects Pollen to see what type of flowers they grew up in Tree-Ring Dating every ring is one year and the thinner the ring was the more dry the year was and the thick it is a more wetter year Stratigraphy the analysis of the order and position of layers of archaeological remains. DNA Migrations Different people , different cultures Carbon 14 An accurat way of determing age of objects containing organic material