によって adam patel 15年前.
How effective was the 1848 Public Health Act?
The 1848 Public Health Act aimed to improve public health infrastructure, giving a single board the authority to manage sanitation in towns. Initially, it was applied to a limited number of towns, but by 1853, more areas were included under its regulations.
62 had no public health whatsoever 30 had absolutely no powers over publich health because they were in the hand of independt commissioners 29 had the powers of draining and cleansing in the hands of one board Of the 187 majot towns (those with a mayer and corporation) e.g. lavotories fluseh into sewers that emtied into nearest watercource from which drinking water was taken consequently ruled under the same vested interests frequently the existing town corporation under a different guise Where they were set up; Lancashire only 400,000 of its 2.5 million peoeple were living under some sort of public health board The Act had been applied to 1842 of the towns There were 284 petitions for the enw public health regulations By 1853; The Act had been applied to 32 of them 192 towns asked for the public health regulations to be applied Begining of 1850; How effective was the 1848 Public Health Act? However In Context Some clear successes