write to thomasteepe(a)
How To Use the IDEAL Problem SolvingTemplate
Clever Practises
adapt the IDEAL template
use abbreviations
smaller maps
customize for specific problems
personal problems
management problems
math problems
add favourite tools
add favourite phases
drag & drop important ideas to higher level
keep track of your thoughts
hiding less important ideas
maps easier to understand
Using Tools
collect ideas under "RESULTS"
from tool usage
hide tools when not needed
use tools when you're stuck
tool branchescontain links to detailed description of tools
Using the IDEAL phases
IDEAL stands for
L = Look back
A = Assess and act
E = Explore possible strategies
D = Define goals
I = Identify the problem
moving back and forth between phases is OK
no rigid order of stages
rules of thumb
Starting Point:The IDEAL Problem Solving Template
... provides powerful tools for problem solving
... suggests flexible phases of problem solving