によって Arman Thind 7年前.
The HPS curriculum encompasses key areas in psychology and anthropology, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and cultural systems. In psychology, it covers a spectrum of theories, perspectives, and methodologies essential for grasping human behavior through various psychological approaches, including experimental, personality, and clinical research.
HPS Curriculum Psychology Procedures and the problems associated with major psychological experiments A variety of personality traits shape human behaviour and interactions between different environments introversion
openness to experience
The role of socialization of an individual through psychological development Explaining Human Mental Processes and behaviour The different influences which subscribe ones psychological development environment
Ways humans emotional and behavioural responses are influenced by others Behaviour is influenced by different psychological factors temperament
mental health
Theories, Perspectives, and Methodogies Significance of influential psychologists Erik Erikson
Carl Roger
The different research methods used for psychological research surveys
Understanding human behaviour of different psychological approaches personality
Major psychological theories outlined humanistic theory
cognitive theory
Sociology How outside structurals influences can affect social groups educational
health systems
religious institutions
Relative influence of primary and secondary factors of socialisation have on ones socialisation Group and individual behaviours are effected by different social structures gender
Explaining Social Behaviour Diverse factors that are used to shape individual and group behaviours social norms
social structures
physical environments
A variety of different influences shape social behaviour technology
Individuals and society are impacted by systemic discrimnation and prejudice race
sexual orientation
Theories, Perspective, and Methodogies Research methods which are used for sociological research focus groups
case studies
The ideas of sociological schools of thoughts and how they are used to study social behaviour feminist perspective
symbolic interactionism
The different types of theorist in sociology Karl Marx
Emile Durkheim
Anthropology Socialization The way culture is an agent of socialization. social customs
religious practices
How different cultures impact human behaviour language
family roles
Exploring Human Behaviour and Culture Studying cultural systems of different times, places, and groups help understand human behaviour and culture The effects diffusion, assimilation, and multiculturalism have on culture Different factors like physical environment, globalization, pandemics, all shape culture and the way humans react Theories,Perspectives, and Methodoilgies The different research methods used in anthropological participant observation
oral history
Anthropological schools pf thoughts and how they are used to analyse culture systems cultural materialism
Learn about different areas of anthropology physical anthropology
linguistic anthropology
Learn about the different influential anthropologists. Noam Chomsky
Marvin Harris