によって Gustavo Oses 1年前.
Human beings are complex entities with the unique capacity to make conscious choices and direct their own actions. This complexity is reflected in their ethical reasoning, which encompasses cultural relativism, social group influences, and individual moral beliefs.
Topic flotante Truth Peace Love Honesty Loyalty HUMAN BEINGS AND THE REASON The ethics and the human person Body and soul Unique immanence Time and eternity Mind and matter What are human persons Conscious ability to make choices Capability for self-direction Faith and worship Human beings and society Society Family What is human good or excellence Multi-dimensional beings Values Interests Capabilities Human persons are complex The ability to choose between alternative courses of action Ability to anticipate the consecuences of one´s own action Ability to make value judgment Interest and values Natural Law Opportunities Moral responsabilities Dilemas Ethical reasoning Cultural relativism Social Group relativism Rules based on your moral beliefs Solving ethical dilemmas Ability to provide ideals Individualism What makes human persons the kind of being they are