カテゴリー 全て - obedience - decision - nature - attitude

によって Greg Brandenburg 17年前.


I know the real meaning of Christmas but what does it really mean?

Everyone knows that Christmas is about Christ's birth. But why is a baby born 2000 years ago important to my life today?

I know the real meaning of Christmas but what does it really mean?

I know the real meaning of Christmas but what does it really mean?

Everyone knows that Christmas is about Christ's birth. But why is a baby born 2000 years ago important to my life today?

Philippians 2:3-11

What bearing does it have on my life?
v.5 Your attitude should be the same

v.4 look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others

consider others better than yourselves

v.3 do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit

What is Christ's nature?

v.7 but made himself nothing

This indicates that Christ made a conscious decision

How did Christ make Himself nothing?

By taking the nature of a servant and coming in human form.

Did Christ give up His Godhood?

Christ is in very nature God. Therefore, it would be impossible for Christ to cease to be God. Christ was fully God and fully man.

v.6 in very nature God

What attribute of God's nature is most evident here?

Eternal - Christ, being God, exists eternally but made a decision to become a man in obedience to the will of the Father.