によって Janee Gerding 16年前.
Independent Study/Greenhouse Management
The content revolves around various aspects of greenhouse management and sustainable practices. It includes detailed guidance on independent study topics such as the organic movement, green architecture, and integrated pest management.
Independent Study/Greenhouse Management Long-term projects Physical Work Beautification Day planting and preparation Elementary Clean-up Fall Community Clean-up Class Plant Maintenance Shed and Bus Garage storage organization Watering and Fertilizing poinsettias Hydroponic Set Up Vermiculture Research, set-up and maintenance Writing Assignments Daily Work Journal The Organic Movement "Green" Architechture and Design Forcing and Timing Cold Frames Hardiness Zones Annuals vs. Perennials Short Day vs. Long Day Propagation Greenhouse Maintenance Individual Project Reading Materials Economic Botany Crockett's Indoor Gardening Barbara Kingsolver Readings Seeing Red Growing Trust Prodigal Summer excerpts from" Old Chestnuts" A Good Farmer Close to Home Michael Pollan Readings No Bar Code Mass Natural The Omnivore's Dilemma- selected passages Malcolm Gladwell Readings Integrated Pest Management Subtopic Pest Booklet