によって Alexis Boland 2年前.
Introduction to Business
Business concepts cover a broad range of essential topics, each crucial for the efficient and effective management of a company. Personal finance is a key area that involves managing expenses, paying mandatory fees like taxes, and saving money for emergencies by choosing the right financial institutions.
Introduction to Business Accounting Lialbilities Lialbilities are the debts/money that is owed
Assests Assests are supplies that are owned with
value for money. Balance Sheet A Balance Sheet is used to show a persons or
business financal purchases and lialbilitys Leadership Laissez-Faire This is the last type of leadership when the leader lets the employees have some freedom and do there own ideas. Democratic This type of leadership is when multiple member of the company come together to make decisions. Autocratic This when one person in the company makes the decisions on behalf of the company. Personal Finance Expenes These are different types of fees thats are mandatory
to pay taxes, licencing, etc. Saving and Banking This is about saving money for emergency
situations and finding a financal intution that
is best fit for you. Income Managment Income Managment is something to help
people control over spending for nesscary and
unesscary needs Marketing Competition Having competition is important without competition
brand and business would not improve the products
they are producing. Product Design Businesses need something that people will buy
and making something that looks interesting and
people will buy Branding In marketing branding is very important businesses
will spend lots of money to make sure people see there