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Inventions of Ohio
Ohio has been a cradle for numerous groundbreaking inventions that have significantly influenced various aspects of modern life. Notably, Dayton is recognized as the birthplace of both the airplane and the cash register.
Inventions of Ohio Inventions are important They provoke new thoughts and questions They imporve society. They make living easer. They extend the boundries of human knowledge. Manny important inventions come from Ohio The Cash register was invented in Dayton, Ohio. The airplane was invented in Dayton, Ohio. The Vacuum cleaner was invented in Canton, Ohio. The Traffic Light was invented in Cleveland, Ohio. There is a large timeline of inventions from Ohio The traffic light was invented in 1923. the vacuum cleaner was invented in 1907. The airplane was invented in 1903. The Cash Register was invented in 1879. Many important inventors come from ohio The Vacuum cleaner was invented in Ohio The first airplane to take flight was invented in Ohio. The traffic light was invented in Ohio. The Cash register was invented in Ohio