によって Malia Robin 9か月前.
The conflict is between.....
The conflict is between First Nations who want to protect the land and water from the chemicals and the company who got the rights to extract the resources from the government. The police are government agents who are enforcing a court decision to allow the fracking to go ahead.
The dispute is between Indigenous people who want the treaties to be honoured and commercial fish industry who aren't allowed to fish outside the regular season and are afraid allowing Indigenous people to fish outside the season will damage the future generations of fish.
What does the video claim are the impacts of shipping?
The 7 Grandfather teachings could help us with sustainability (using resources now without harming future generations). For example: Humility could help us by seeing ourselves as a part of creation, not as dominating of others.
Respect could help by...
Responsibility could help by....
The Story of Stuff is......
10 million to 30 million kilos of plastic per.....
they think this river responsble for 1% to 3% of all the plastic in the ocean
shoes, toys, bottles, styrofoam
Phantom Power is......
There is a lot of waste in our systems.....
Food Waste.....
Single Use and Plastics, packaging.....
This study found that landfills are emitting more methane (a very powerful GHG) than originally thought.
Methane emissions are from....
Greenhouse Gases occur in the .....
summarize in your own words what we learned about the Greenhouse Effect in the Atmosphere
Biodiversity is.......
all the different kinds of life you will find in one area
Bio------- living/ life
Diversity------ many different ________
Forests matter because:
The 4 components of habitat are:
What I learned from looking at the living planet report Canada......
Average numbers within species have declined by 69%!!!
Explore the site and write down some notes about what you learned.....
Ecosystem Biodiversity is........
Species biodiversity is.......
Genetic Biodiversity is......
Wearing down processes are:
and erosion.....
Building up processes are physical processes that build up the landscape. Examples are:
Converging techtonic plates: when the plates crash into each other, the land goes up and forms mountains.
When magma breaks through the crust and hardens to form new land masses (ex. Hawaiian Islands) or volcanic mountains (Mt St Helens, USA)
The three types of rock are:
GL and SLL are.....
Innuitian Mountains are.....
Hudson Bay and Arctic Lowlands are.....
Appalachian highlands are.....
Interior Plains are......
The Canadian Shield is.......
western cordillera is.......