カテゴリー 全て - data - research - knowledge

によって Gustavo Prado 3年前.


ISTE Standars_Students

Developing computational thinking skills is essential for students to effectively solve complex problems by breaking them down into more manageable parts. This ability helps them extract relevant information and create descriptive models, which are crucial for understanding intricate systems.

ISTE Standars_Students

ISTE Standars_Students

5.) Computational Thinker

Ex.) A good example of a computational thinker is having students work on a project that has then distinguish between different enzymes in a cell and weather the state they are living in is a good climate for them or not.
5c.) Students being able to break down problems into component parts is critical in coming to a solution. Extracting key information is important in taking out what’s relevant in the passage you look over. Developing descriptive models to understand complex systems or facilitate problem solving is key in becoming a computational thinker.
5b.) The way students collect data through a classroom setting is super beneficial, especially considering that it is a concept they can carry outside of the high school setting. Some of the things students do to figure out problems through collecting data is that it makes them innovative and helps them work on their problem-solving skills.

3.) Knowledge Constructor

ex.) A good example would be allowing students to go out and possibly donate food to a food shelter or possibly donating clothes to the people in need. This is connected to real life problems going on because the poverty rate is extremely high and many people go to sleep hungry without food. Another could be community service around the town.
3d.) This has to be one of my favorite videos and what I took from it was students working through real life experiences and situations to try and and think outside of the box and also be creative. Connecting to these real life situations others go through can possibly lead to individuals finding what they want to do in life.
3b.) Students being able to do their own research and figure out weather it is a reliable resource or not is an important aspect to develop. Many people go straight to google when they don't know something and expect the fist link on google to help with that question. Though the answer giving might be totally false.

1.) Empowered Learner

ex.) A good demonstration of this would allow the students to preform activities online for any subject in this matter and allow feedback to be used during this process. Or break them out in small groups and have feedback be given from each student.
1c.) Students using technology to seek feedback is a good way of each individual student to get the help they solely need. Some students may already understand the way a problem is solved but not one student. In this case the teacher would have to take time out of class to explain it and break it down to that one student. Seeking feedback though technology helps with that.
1a.) By allowing students to set personal goals for themselves is shows what they already know and what they don't know. So thus going forward it can lead to other classmates trying to help one another and could possibly lead into higher communication skills amongst the kids.

7.) Global Collaborator

Ex.) An example would be having students use 3D printing to construct art project of their choosing. Using these digital tools will broaden their perspectives and this allows them to enrich their learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in terms locally and globally.
7d.) Allowing students being to contribute with one another while working on a project is a great way for everyone working towards a common goal. By assigning various roles for each individual person and set out different responsibilities is something to be implemented before the start of the project so everyone can work effectively.
7b.) Having students being able to use collaborative technology to work with other is a tool that will become more useful later down the line. Technology is everywhere and now many classrooms use zoom as a tool to communicate and work with others in the classroom.

6.) Creative Communicator

Ex.) A good way to portray creative communicators is by putting students in small groups and assign each group to choose an informative topic. Once they do they have to communicate amongst themselves to figure out who’s is going to say what when they present to the class what they are suppose to be talking about. Working collectively as a groups and give feedback is a great way to get use to becoming a creative communicator.
6c.) Student communicating complex ideas clearly and effectively is a great strategy to use when working in groups. It establishes trust within the group and peer feedback is a critical point to have while working together. The reason for that is because having different opinions is something to take on when working collectively.
6a.) Students being able to express themselves creatively and communicate with one another is a good trait to have as a student trying to seek learning objectives. Them being able to figure out what tools and platforms to use for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.

4.) Innovative Designer

ex.) An example would have to be a science project and students figuring out how photosynthesis work and how the process is. Thus doing so students would figure out weather they are interested in certain science topics or not. Another could be which hand soap works best and testing it by rubbing your hands on a loaf of bread. Within the next few days whichever has the most mold is the soap that is less effective.
4c.) Allowing students to test these prototypes is a great way to see weather or not if the student will be interested in something or not. That pretty much goes for everyone in that matter. If a student wants to learn more about an instrument, they have to test it out first, play it, learn which does what before actually trying to be good at it.
4a.) Students being able to test theories and solving authentic problems can be challenging but that's the whole point of doing projects like these. The reason for that is because it gives the student a better understanding of scientific issues. It really makes you question everything and could lead to more questions than answers.

2.) Digital Citizen

ex.) An example I would use in the class for this is by assigning students a research topic in small groups and have then provide scholarly resources from where they got this information from.
2c.) This is important in the school setting anywhere when you are trying to use someone else's work without trying to take someone's credit for it. This can be seen as plagiarism and it could lead to a termination in a community or especially a university college. Establishing this at a young age can help you avoid errors as such.
2b.) Student are able to give feedback to other student while doing a class assignment online. While conducting these feedbacks it's important to highlight what they did good or anything positive. It's important to act accordingly when doing so.