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JABA Senior Care
ReferencesPark, G., Miller, D., Tien, G., Sheppard, I., Bernard, M., Hollander, M. J., & ... Tello, J. (2014). Supporting frail seniors through a family physician and Home Health integrated care model in Fraser Health. International Journal Of Integrated Care (IJIC), 141-8.SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined health care , home care services, medical,Continuing Care Retirement Communities,Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities,Home Health Care Services. This article is related to the focus or the agency, or population being served research of data about seniors to help senors live longer lives which is my selected poupulation. The research methods used are pilot data charts to measure statistically data for hospitals and case manager–general records of preliminary data measuring changes of seniors.The recomendatins for future research are keping patients in the community for longer periods and the recomendations for the furture are using these Tri-Cities pilot, for a new system of integrated primary and community care.2. Estimating the Cost of Making It Universal. Journal Of Health Politics, Policy & Law, 35(1), 49-62. doi:10.1215/03616878-2009-040SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined the challenge of population aging and senior care and lower costs. The research methods used are Social Analysis of how time surfaces in senior home care through relational movements of care. The article also experiments with 'surfacing' as an ethnographic heuristic for figuring these different 'spatial-timings'. The recomendatins for future research are using what they say is "ethnographic heuristic for figuring these different 'spatial-timings' ".The revelance of this article researching data of seniors to help senors live longer lives which is the focus of my selected poupulation. The recomendatins for future research are continuing to record and document records of patiens to help them live longer.References3.Speight, J. J., Sinclair, A. J., Browne, J. L., Woodcock, A. A., & Bradley, C. C. (2013). Assessing the impact of diabetes on the quality of life of older adults living in a care home: validation of the ADDQoL Senior. Diabetic Medicine, 30(1), 74-80. doi:10.1111/j.1464-5491.2012.03748.xSummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined needs assedsessment medical care of diabetes by interviewing nursing care facilities. Reasherch used to evaulate is scales weighing instrument and by visual acuity, data analysis, acqusition data .The revelance of this article researching data of seniors to help senors live longer lives which is the focus of my selected poupulation. The recomendatins for future research are to help develop and evaluate a new measure for use with older adults, to be suitable for use with care-home residents.References(4.Golder, M. D., Earl, E., & Mallery, L. H. (2012). Vestibular and Motor Contributions to Mobility: Limitations of Seniors Awaiting Discharge from Hospital Care. Physiotherapy Research International, 17(4), 200-207.SummaryThe focus of this that folowing hospitalization, seniors are at risk of impaired mobility and increased risk of falling, which can lead to injuries and re-admission hospital care. Therfore , test measurements of the equilibium physiology, and kinesiology rehabilation are being evaulated. The methods used are regresion analysis , statistics vestibular, function test, data analysis.The revelance of this article researching data of seniors to help senors live longer lives . The recomendatins for future research are to help develop and evaluate a new measures for use with older adults, to be suitable for use with care-home residents.References5. BLOINK, R. S. (2013). PUTTING BOOMERS TO PASTURE: DOES THE 2010 MIPPA LEGISLATION REINFORCE THE NURSING HOME BIAS?. Pace Law Review, 33(1), 152-182.SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined unfunded health related costs being the greatest financial problem facing the older generation as they enter retirement years. The revelance of this article researching data of seniors the population that I would like to evaulate during this course. The methods used are surveies that provides information for comparison between the cost of HCBS care and institutionalized care. The recomendatins for future research are to help develop and evaluate a new measures for implementing comprehensive HCBS programs to help create financial plans that would allow these seniors to access HCBS without government assistance. References6.Brown, R. T., Lori Thomas, M. M., Cutler, D. F., & Hinderlie, M. (2013). Meeting the Housing and Care Needs of Older Homeless Adults: A Permanent Supportive Housing Program Targeting Homeless Seniors. Seniors Housing & Care Journal, 21(1), 126-135.SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined the issue of homelessness among older adults, including their poor health status and the care needs, the factors that contribute to homelessness in this population. The revelance of this article researching data of seniors the population that I would like to evaulate during this course.The methods used are case studies of hearth clients. The recomendatins for future research are forming the National Leadership Initiative to End Elder Homelessness proposes several concrete policy responses to help prevent and end elder homelessness by addressing the lack of affordable housing units in the U.S.References7. Chan-Chien, C., Wei-Chiang, C., & Hsing-Yun, C. (2010). MEASURING SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY IN THE SENIOR-CARE ORGANIZATIONS IN RURAL AREAS OF CENTRAL TAIWAN. International Journal Of Management & Marketing Research (IJMMR), 3(2), 65-74.SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction of the SCOs residents in rural areas of central Taiwan based on the ten dimensions: access, communication, competence, courtesy, credibility, reliability, responsiveness, security, tangibles, and employee's understanding their customer. The revelance of this article researching data of seniors the population that I would like to evaulate during this course. The methods used are 143 effective data were collected from 3,008 senior residents living in the 94 private SCOs in rural areas of central Taiwan, where a random sample was selected to participate the survey through face to face interviews,T-test, one-way analysis,regression analysis were used to test the relationship, and statistical results.This finding and future recomendations suggests that senior-care operators in rural areas of central Taiwan might have overlooked factors leading to customer satisfaction.The recomendatins for future research senior residents need,SCOs in central Taiwan to identify the priority dimensions towards customer satisfaction.References8.Suhonen, R., Stolt, M., Gustafsson, M., Katajisto, J., & Charalambous, A. (2014). The associations among the ethical climate, the professional practice environment and individualized care in care settings for older people. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 70(6), 1356-1368. doi:10.1111/jan.12297SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined medical care for the aged. The research methods used are a cross-sectional explorative and correlational survey design, analysis of variance of autonomy, psychology, comunication, and confidence intervals, conflict mangement, corelatin statistics, employment the economic therory, experience geriatric nursing, hosptitls interprofesianl relations. The evaluatin reseach is scale analysis, surveys of work environment, cultural awarenes, multiple regreson analysis , peer relations. The revelance of this article researching data of seniors the population that I would like to evaulate during this course. This finding and future recomendations showed regresions among individualized care, ethical climate and internal work motivation, control over practice and leadership and autonomy. Therfore, it is needed to increase individualization in care provision, efforts need to be directed towards organizational aspects requiring the support of nursing leaders.References9.Senior Moments. (2012). Marketing Health Services, 12-15.SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined challenges facing the health care providers competitive environment due to increased marketing, health care reform and changing economics. The research methods used are a cross-sectional explorative and correlational survey design, analysis of data of seniors population . The evaluatin reseach is scale analysis, surveys of work environment, cultural awarenes, multiple regreson analysis .The revelance of this article researching data of seniors the population that I would like to evaulate during this course. This finding and future recomendations showed management of hospital system and the use of a new model for growth by considering reimbursement, clinical condition and demographics.References10. White,C., & Yee, T. (2013). When Medicare Cuts Hospital Prices, Seniors Use Less Inpatient Care. Health Affairs, 32(10), 1789-1795. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0163SummaryThe focus of this articles the authors examined medicare hospital charges, health insurance reimbursement and health services administration. The research methods are regresion analysis, trend analysis and retrospective studies from the UNITED States. Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act; Administration of Human Resource Programs (except Education, Public Health, and Veterans' Affairs Programs); Administration of Public Health Programs.