によって Ashlie Arora 8年前.
Kenneth Parks Case Mind Map
The Kenneth Parks case revolves around the incident where Parks, while sleepwalking, committed actions which led to tragic consequences. It is argued that he should not be held guilty of murder due to his unconscious state during the event.
By: Ashlie Arora Kenneth Parks should not be held guilty of murder in this case. Unconscious/unaware, I have experienced it. I was talking and making actions, but was unaware of it. No memory of what happened until I was told. Sleepwalked for short amount of time, however didn't know what I was doing.I felt like I was just sleeping. Doctors and 5 other experts confirmed he was sleepwalking during the incident. Wasn't confirmed insane or having mental problems. make info easier to remember
save time Was confirmed by experts that he was asleep at the time. He had been tested many times SOURCES: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-superhuman-mind/201212/sleep-driving-and-sleep-killing http://www.citynews.ca/2016/10/11/one-injured-in-scarborough-shooting/ His history and recent events could have had an effect and caused aggressive actions. Already had plans to visit their house to fix a furnace, therefore no hate on family to have caused killing. Had sleepwalking history in family. Had gambling history and owed money to others causing him stress. He wouldn't want to commit this murder and had no idea while doing it. While surrendering, felt no pain with cuts on body. While sleepwalking, sleepwalker is unaware of situation. After the murder,he turned himself in right away and was shocked.