によって Gabriela Grosseck 8年前.
Based on JISC, Effective Practice in a Digital Age
A guide to technology-enhanced learning and teaching, http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/publications/effectivepracticedigitalage.pdf, 2009
Preparing students for a digital world: students develop critical ad professional (sometimes theoretical) e-skills through use and evaluation of different Web 2.0 technologies present in cirip, like: flickr, slideshare, voicethread, podcasting, live video, screencasting etc.
Rethinking learning resources / multimedia objects
Redesigning curriculum
Supporting learning in REAL enviroments / situations with different multimedia objects and resources posted online, through MOBILE devices.
Engaging learning experiences through:
Exploring new topics / contexts
Online community facilitated by a tutor (private or public groups)