カテゴリー 全て - weakness - goal - health - energy

によって Dave Laszlo Dela Cruz 1年前.


Luffy D. Monkey 19 year old male with brown eyes, messy hair a scar under left eye, "X" scar on chest, usually has straw hat. A warlord named Boa Hancock has unrequited love interest for Luffy. Has 2 brothers (Through sakazuki): Sabo (Chief of Staff of th

Luffy D. Monkey is a 19-year-old male known for his distinctive appearance, which includes brown eyes, messy hair, a scar under his left eye, an 'X' scar on his chest, and a signature straw hat.

Luffy D. Monkey
19 year old male with
brown eyes, messy hair
a scar under left eye,

Luffy D. Monkey 19 year old male with brown eyes, messy hair a scar under left eye, "X" scar on chest, usually has straw hat. A warlord named Boa Hancock has unrequited love interest for Luffy. Has 2 brothers (Through sakazuki): Sabo (Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army) & Ace (Deceased 2nd Division Commander of the Whitebeard Pirates). Also, his father Dragon (Leader of the Revolutionary Army) and Garp (Marine Vice Admiral & Marine Hero) have shown up in the television series.

Personality Traits/ Characteristics

Immediate Life Goal
His current immediate life goal is to learn Ryuo, which is body armor made of energy used offensively. Through analyzing the video clip, we learn that he is still unable to use Ryuo, but has the potential to use it.

Learning Ryuo will affect his intellectual and physical health. Intellectual health because he will have to undo his memory of hitting his enemy head on, and instead expel energy towards the enemy. This will of course come with a tremendous amount of physical energy. Thus, affecting his physical and intellectual health.

Favorite Possesion
Luffy's favorite possession is his straw hat. This is due to the fact that someone who saved his life wore that hat, and entrusted it to him to return it. On a side note, the former King of The Pirates, Gol D. Roger has also worn that hat. (The first video is the person saving his life, and the second is entrusting the hat).

Second clip

His favorite possession affects his spiritual health. It is the item that he values the most, and basing many things toward protecting his hat. He does this to an extent to where he has few people that he entrusts his hat with. Only few members of his crew have been granted the opportunity to hold his hat, but they all know that he values it. Luffy has only told two people why the was important, so his crew knowing that means he has big spiritual health for his hat.

Greatest Fear
The greatest fear that Luffy has is losing his friends who are part of his crew. Like it was mentioned in the section "Confidence," he is usually fearless, but in this clip he reveals genuine fear that is not usually shown.

His greatest fear, is also part of his spiritual health. As he learns that his friends are what he values, his spiritual health grows.

A habit that Luffy has is his insatiable desire for meat.

Also, he has a terrible habit of running off, and doing his own thing. However, he does help people for the smallest things that is done for him. In this case, it's a girl who is poor, and eating plain rice every year once. Otherwise, she's basically eating grass. One day she got to eat red bean soup for the first time, and Luffy got mad at the people who were wasting it.

Reactions to Stress
Luffy isn't one to be stressed, and is usually laughing. A quote of his is, "If I die trying, at least I tried." That goes to show how strong his determination truly is. However, when put in a stressful position, he denies the truth. It doesn't last long, but its a coping mechanism that he uses.

Denying the truth will be the undoing of his social health. It will make him put on masks, so that nobody will be able to help him until he accepts it. Listening to what others have to say will be beneficial towards his social health, and intellectual health.

Luffy is very confident, and there are few times when he is actually scared. Proof of this is challenging two Emperors of the Sea whose names are Big Mom & Kaido, whose bounties exceeded him 8x at the time. On top of that, he broke in and out of Impel Down (a prison that has only been escaped once before), attacked Enies Lobby (a government-controlled stronghold like Impel Down), and fighting in the Great War which had people who were leveled with the Emperors of the Sea.

Fight with Kaido

With his extreme confidence level, it limits his intellectual health. Brimming with confidence, he usually jumps into battle without a plan, or ignoring the plan that was put in place. If he had less confidence, it would put him in less dangerous situations. Having too much confidence does cause him harm from time to time. Such as getting lost at sea because he had no knowledge of navigating the sea.

A physical weakness of Luffy is that he is unable to swim. Due to eating a devil fruit, the sea removes his ability to swim, in exchange for superhuman powers.

Considering that Luffy has a weakness to water, it affects his environmental health. He makes sure that when he fights, he limits contact to any source of water knowing that it would be his downfall. In intense battle, he still has instinct of knowing to avoid water, but he hasn't learned to use water to his own advantage to take out other devil fruit eaters.

His greatest strength without a doubt, is making people draw close to him. Even a very tough enemy who has been fighting him for hours has acknowledged and respected him. There were many other instances of people liking him, actually it tends to happen wherever he goes.

This heavily affects his social health. Since many people like him, he tends to make many friends and maintains connections between a plethora of people. Even though pirates are known for being bad people, he shows that there are different kinds of pirates. Maybe because of that, many people come to accept him, and make acquaintance.