によって Rebecca Heagy 4年前.
Makerspace- A 21st Century Guide for Teacher Librarians
A modern guide emphasizes the role of teacher librarians in facilitating a dynamic educational environment through makerspaces. It highlights the importance of student self-assessment and peer collaboration across different grade levels to share learning outcomes.
Makerspace- A 21st Century
Guide for Teacher Librarians The Learning Commons Do teachers support and "buy into" the
concept and learning space? Location The core and heart of the school
community Are students and teachers able to access
this space when needed Student Engagement Students get to decide HOW they learn in
a way that is meaningful to them The power of inquiry based learning Where students feel empowered to learn Curriculum Connections So many ways to connect to subject areas
such as: Science, Social Studies and the
Arts Engagement with STEAM, Math,
Literacy, French and other languages Coding Ozobot
Duolingo A whole school approach Learning that makes sense for the 21st
Century Student Assessment Students pair up with students in different
Grades to showcase their learning How students feel about their learning? Self Assessment How the student interprets their
understanding Program Planning Co- Constructing with Teachers and
support staff Facilitating tutorials and drop in times