によって Seraj Saleem 2年前.
Managing Generations at Workplace
In today's multigenerational workplace, effective management strategies are crucial to harmonize the diverse expectations and strengths of different age groups. Generation Y, known for their collaborative nature and digital proficiency, thrive on meaningful work and actionable feedback.
Managing Generations at Workplace Managing Generation Z Embrace flexibility Offer a variety of development opportunities Prioritize fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce Generation Z They want stability AND flexibility They’re breaking away from institutional structures They expect to work with modern technology They value social responsibility and diversity Managing Generation Y Give them actionable feedback Explain the impact and importance of their contributions Set up an anonymous employee suggestion box Provide ample opportunities for collaboration Generation Y They are digital natives They are motivated by meaningful work They prefer to collaborate Managing Generation X Offer work flexibility Enable them to continue to learn Offer leadership opportunities Generation X They are comfortable with technology They are well educated They value autonomy Managing Baby Boomers Create a culture welcoming of an aging workforce Make time for face-to-face interactions Recognize them for their accomplishments Baby Boomers They have had to adapt to technology They are retiring later than previous generations value visibility into their work competitive and driven