Marketing - Leonardi
Marketing involves understanding and meeting the needs and wants of consumers through various strategies and tools. It begins with market research, which can be either primary or secondary, to identify target demographics and analyze competition.
What is MARKETING? meet needs and wants of customer Prospects Value Exchange To satisfy the needs and wants of the consumers management of exchange relationships (of goods) GREEN MARKETING creating new ideas new products advertising product a big component of business management the communication between the people that make the product Market research what age group is targeted? PRIMARY/SECONDARY Research the competition Research Demographics Who will buy the product? finding demands promoting Celebrity endorsement Social Media deals Gimmicks and Games Publicity Good or Bad Free Samples sales Advertising Email Subscriptions social apps Digital Advertising Outdoor Ads Magazines The Side of Buildings Direct Mail Commercials Voodoo Games (Low cost/free video games) Billboard ad Posters Video Ad Internet Ad Main topic B2B Working with other businesses Subtopic