カテゴリー 全て - strategies - subtraction - facts - proficiency

によって Jocelyn French 6年前.


Math Log #1

Understanding addition and subtraction is foundational for students' mathematical development. Progress in these areas can be achieved through the use of various modeling and counting strategies.

Math Log #1

Math Log #1

Week 2: Number Sense/Place Value

What is says about number sense in the textbook...
Developing number realtionships

Having a general understanding of number and operations as well as the ability to apply this understatement

Equal to

Knowing that 2 is 2

Less than

Knowing that 2 is less than 8

More than

Knowing that 7 is bigger than 4

Knowing how many

Knowing that there are 5 chocolate chip cookies on the plate


Knowing that 6 apples is 6 apples and not 4


Being able to count in order

For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Not 1, 4, 2, 6, 3...

How will you know if your students have strong number sense and how will you ensure they develop this?
I will ensure they develop this by...

Use different strategies to show what numbers look like.

For example: Pictures, tires, dice, domino, hands, etc...

Use different strategies to show that numbers have an order

For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6... Using dice Using fingers Using pictures

Using different strategies to show them how to count

For example: Counting with fingers, blocks, toys, etc...

I will know that a student has a strong number sense by...

They know that the numbers are ordered in a specific way.

For example: 2 comes after 1 and 3 comes after 2: but 3 does not come after 1

They can understand that the numbers can be shown in different ways.

If they are able to understand what number is which.

For example: 5 = Five

What does "strong number sense' mean to you?
Strong number sense to me means that...

They have an understanding that there is a specific order to numbers.

They can look at a number and understand what the the quantity of the number is.

The student has an understanding for numbers.

Week 3 and Week 4: Addition and Subtraction

What it says about addition and subtraction in the textbook...

Using a calculator


Splitting a number into two parts

Bar diagrams

Work well for contexts that fit a subtraction comparison situation and a part-part-whole model

Number lines

Learning about and recording jump strategies

Counting on and counting back


Stacked number lines

Direct modelling

Written supports

Using base ten blocks

Using concrete materials

Using drawing to solve an equation

Is it enough for your students to memorize addition and subtraction facts? Is it important for students to know their facts automatically?
Can make solving equations quicker

For example: If the student automatically knows that 10 plus 10 is 20 then it will be easier for them to know that 110 plus 110 is 220 because they already know what 10 and 10 is.

Having memorized some of the basics it can help compeleting equations in the future

For example: Being in the "real world" and being able to calculate your total to be sure you are not being ripped off

I believe it is important for students to memorize the basic facts of addition and subtraction to help them so they can quickly come to an answer

For example: Knowing the basic equations can help students when math becomes more difficult to answer questions instead of them having to think about the simple equation first before trying to figure out the bigger part of the equation.

How might your students' understanding of addition and subtraction progress/develop/evolve? What will you do as the teacher to help move your students toward proficiency?
As the teacher I might.... to help move my students toward proficiency.

Use different strategies to show that if you take away an amount the number gets smaller

For example: Using food Using fingers Using blocks

Use different strategies to show that by adding to something makes it bigger.

For example: Using your hands Using blocks Using stickers Using food

My students' understanding of addition and subtraction might progress/develop/evolve by...

The way the problem is structured

For example: "If you have 27 cards, how many more will you need to get 62 cards?" "If you have 62 cards and you take away 27 cards, how many will you now have?"

For example:

Using different modelling and counting strategies Using the Student continuum of numeracy chart

For example: Working with numbers: Counting using the 5 or 10 anchor Using a known fact Using up/down over 10 Splitting up the numbers

For example: Counting: Counting blocks together three times Counting on/counting back Counting on from the larger number