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Matthias Behrends - Publications

Matthias Behrends ist ein renommierter Wissenschaftler und Autor, der sich intensiv mit sozialen und ethischen Aspekten der Medizin auseinandersetzt. Er hat bedeutende Beiträge zur medizinischen Ethik, insbesondere in der Sterbebegleitung und der Einführung von Diphtherieheilserum, geleistet.

Matthias Behrends - Publications

Matthias Behrends ~ Publications ~

Matthias Behrends

[MB had a role in the creation other than authorship]
[Authored (or Co-Authored) by MB]
[Authored by MB]

MB had a role in the creation other than authorship

Bobbert, Brückner, Lilie (2004) Gutachten "Probanden- und Patientenschutz in der medizinischen Forschung“ erstellt im Auftrag der Enquete-Kommission "Ethik und Recht der modernen Medizin“ des Deutschen Bundestages. Deutscher Ethikrat.
Report on "Protection of Subjects and Patients in Medical Research" prepared on behalf of the Enquete Commission on "Ethics and the Law of Modern Medicine" of the German Bundestag
Savidaki, M., Demirtoka, S. & Rodríguez-Jiménez, RM. Re-inhabiting one’s body: A pilot study on the effects of dance movement therapy on body image and alexithymia in eating disorders. J Eat Disord 8, 22 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40337-020-00296-2

"We want to thank ... Matthias Behrends for his theoretical contributions regarding the guided imagery techniques ..."

Authored (or Co-Authored) by MB

Lauber, Heike; Behrends, Matthias (2009): Fall-Vignette "Häusliche Gewalt" für das Kommunikationstraining von Ärzten und Medizinstudierenden. Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg.
Case vignette "Domestic violence" for communication training of physicians and medical students. Heidelberg University Hospital.

Authored by MB

Behrends, Matthias (2004): Soziale und ethische Aspekte der Einführung des Diphtherieheilserums nach Behring und Ehrlich. Universität, Heidelberg. Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin.
Behrends, Matthias (2004): Conflicts of Interest - General Reflections and Ethical Implications. In Euromeds 2 (11), p. 7.
Behrends, Matthias (2012): Studentisches Besuchsprojekt für PflegeheimbewohnerInnen. Vom Besuchen zur Sterbebegleitung. In Wolfgang U Eckart (Ed.): Handbuch Sterben und Menschenwürde. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 1979–1988.
Behrends, Matthias (2015): Courageous "Dots". Matthias Behrends - EMSA Medical Ethics Director 2005-2006. In Euromeds (SA Poland Edition), p. 77.
"Search those who see and nourish the talents you hold deep inside of you."
"Taking responsibility for [my] education in [my] own hands was a motto I lived up to my entire life."
"I was disillusioned and frustrated by medical education. I was constantly wondering if I was wrong or the others, as most fellow students could not understand that I was - among other things - suffering from lacking contact to patients. And I doubted myself."
“[…] taking risks and being honest to yourself is scary sometimes, needs incredible courage. [...] It is the same courage you need to touch other people's lives.”
Deep Emotional Self-Care by Matthias Behrends
Deep Emotional Work by Matthias Behrends