によって Mamun Uddin 6年前.
Midsummer Night's Dream
The play revolves around complex romantic entanglements and magical interventions in ancient Athens. Hermia loves Lysander, but her father insists she marry Demetrius, who is loved by Helena.
Short answer 4.Why is Oberon mad at his Queen? Titania is giving all her attenting to changeling Boy 3.What choices does Duke give Hermia? A none, Marry or die 2.What does Egeus try to use to make his duaghter obey him? Ethanes Law 1.Name the 3 couples? Hermia and Lysander, Demetrius and Helena, Theseus and Hippolyta Cheat Sheet 5.Who is the queen of the fairies? Titania 4.Who is planing Hippolyta and Theseus Wedding? Philostrate 3.What man is in love with Hermia? Lysander 2.Who women is in love with Demetrius? Helena 1.Who is Hermias father? Egeues 10.Who is engaged to the Duke of Ethans? Hippolyta 9.Who is the fairy known as Robin goodfella? Puck 8.Who is the women Lysander in love with? Hermia 7.Who is the queen of the amazon that Theseus going to marry? Hippolyta 6.Who is Oberon's luetent?Puck cheat Sheet 5. Where does the place take place? Ethens 4.Who is the Duke of Ethens? Theseus 3.who wrote the play? William Shakespeare 2. wHAT IS THE NAME OF THE PLAY? a MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM 1.WHAT YEAR WAS THE PLAY WRITEN IN? 1595 10.Who are Titanias servents? Peasbolossom,Moth,Musterseed,Cobweb 9.Who is Hermia is engaged to? Demetrius 8.Which fairy is also known Roben Goodfellow? Puck 7.Who is the king of the fairies? Oberon 6.Who is Hermia in love with? Lysander Peasblosom,Cobweb,Moth, Musterseed Servants of Titiana Works for Oberon They are engaged to each other. Hermia and Demetrius Changeling Boy and Titania Puck Orphan boy cared by Titania. Oberon and Titania They are the king and queen of all fairies. Oberon seeks revenge on her because she adopted a kid. Philostrate is Theseus master of Revels. Philostrate and Theseus Egeus is Hermia's father and his forcing her to get married with Demetrius Egeus and Hermia Helena is in love with Demetrius but he is engaged to Hermia but against her will. But Demetrius dumped Helena. They are both in love with each other. But Hermia is engaged to Demetrius against her will. Lysander and Hermia Theseus will marry Hippolyta in 4 days and Theseus betrothed Hippolyta. Theseus and Hippolyta Midsummer Night's Dream Demetrius and Helena