カテゴリー 全て - division - subtraction - multiplication

によって Erica MacLean 12年前.


Mind Map #1

The text discusses several mathematical concepts and systems, beginning with the Cartesian Product, which involves finding all possible pairings between sets. Proportional reasoning is explained through the concept of equal ratios and how relationships between quantities are identified.

Mind Map #1

Weeks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

Cartesian Product Context: characterized by finding all possible pairings between all possible pairings between 2 or more sets of objects.

Prime Factorization

Prime factorization is a factorization containing only prime numbers.

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Means you can't find more than one prime factorization for a number.

Number Theory

Prime numbers are only divisible by one and themselves.

Composite Numbers
Has a positive factor other than 1 and itself
Prime Numbers
Only divisible by 1 and itself
Even Numbers
Multiples of 2
Odd Numbers
An even number + 1

Subtraction Models/Contexts

Subtraction is characterized by starting with some initial quantity and removing a specified amount.

If aeW then a-o = o-a
Communative Property (doesn't always work)
If aeW and beW then a-b = b-a
Closure Property (doesn't always work)
If aeW and beW, then (a-b)eW

Multiplication Models/Contexts

Distributive Property: aeW, beW, ceW, then a(b+c) = ab+ac

Distributive Property
aeW, beW, ceW, then a(b+c) = ab+ac
Zero Property
aeW, oxa=o
Identity Property
aeW, 1xa=a, 1 is the identity element
Closure Property
If aeW and beW, then abeW
Communicative Property
If aeW and beW, then ab = ba
Associative Property (grouping)
(axb)xc = ax(bxc)

Division Models/Contexts

Divison Models/Contexts

Characterized by using a given quantity to create groups(partitions) of a specified size(amount) and determining the # of groups that are formed.

Find: # of groups

Know: Quantity, and size of each group

Partition: Equal Sharing
Characterizing by distributing a given quantity among a specified number of groups(partition) and determining the size(amount) in each group(partition).

Find: Size of each group

Know: Quantity of #'s starting with, and # of groups


Identity Property of Division was probably the most difficult to understand.

Identity Property of Division of Whole Numbers
If aeW then a+o=a=o+a
Associative Property of Whole Numbers
If aeW, beW and ceW, then (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)=(a+c)+b
Communative Property of Whole Numbers
If aeW and beW then a+b=b+a
If aeX and beX then a+beX

Investigating Quantities











The Discrete Model is characterized by combining sets of two discrete objects.

Continuous Model
Measured Quantities
Discrete Model
Counted Quantities

Number Systems

The Mayan system is probably the most difficult number system to use.

Hindu-Arabic System
Roman System
Babylonian System
Myan System
Egyptian System
Tally System


Equivalent Sets and Equal sets are not always the same.

Venn Diagram
Equal Sets
Equivalent Sets
Conjoined Set
Universal Set


Geometric Sequences are sequences of numbers with a common ratio; that is, if you form the ratio of any two consecutive terms in the sequence the ratio is the same.

Recurrence Relationship Sequence
Geometric Sequence
Arithmetic Sequence

Problem Solving

Don't forget to read over the problem over a second time so that you understand what you're reading.

Implement you Plan
Devise A Plan
Understand the Problem


Cuisennaire rods were an interesting manipulative to use to comprehend fractions.

Use of Cuisennaire Rods
Any number that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers. a/b
Comparing 2 separate things
Separating groups
Interpretations of a fraction
Part-Whole interpretation

Multiplication of fractions

An area model is best used as a table.

Area Model

Division of fractions

When using the partition model it's most important to know the # of groups as well as the size.

Repeated Subtraction


Example of ratio:


Comparing two quantities regardless of whether units are the same.


a/b = c/d

Where two ratios are equal.

Proportional Reasoning

Relative thinking: identifying relationships between two quantities and comparing them.

Relative thinking.
Recognition of quantities and how they change
Rational Numbers
Ratio Sense

Properties of Modular Arithmatic(Addition)

Commutative Property of Addition:

a+b(mod 5)=b+a(mod 5)

Identity Property of Addition
Communative Property of Addition
Closure Property of Addition

Properties of Modular Arithmatic(Multiplication)

Commutative Property of multiplication:

axb(mod 5)=bxa(mod 5)

Inverse Property of Multiplication
Identity Property of Multiplication
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Closure Property of Multiplication

Investigating Quantity

This is the last topic of the course! Hooray!!

Multiplication of integers
Subtraction of integers
Addition of integers