によって Muhammad Azhad 2年前.
Misophonia is a condition characterized by strong emotional reactions to specific sounds. Key strategies to manage this condition include choosing quieter environments, using headphones or earplugs, seeking professional support, practicing stress-reducing activities like meditation, and being open about one'
MISOPHONIA Treatment There is no specific treatment for Misphonia but there are tips to control misphonia for example: Be honest about your situation with Misphonia Get the services of a doctor or therapist to support your condition If possible, stay away from situations that have annoying sounds. Practicing self-care with meditation to reduce stress Choose a seat that is far from the noise, for example the upper floor of the bus and restaurants that are away from the noise. earplugs to limit noise use headphones with music to drown out the noise Diagnosis Who has an interest in studying misphonia in depth cannot be diagnosed but the best way is to gather a group of experts for example: Phychiatrist Medical Doctor Audiologist Symptom Take action to avoid being around individuals who make noise. Physically attack individuals who make noise Being physically aggressive with objects, because of noise. Be verbally aggressive to the individual making the noise.
Disgust that turns to anger Irritation that turns to anger Factor Sound affects the brain and there is an automatic response by the brain. Mental problems and some physical factors Diseases that are not caused by noise