によって Ella Etchison 13年前.
Module 7: the brain
The brain is a complex organ responsible for various critical functions that ensure survival and facilitate higher-order processes. The cerebral cortex, the brain's control center, is divided into multiple lobes, each with specialized roles.
Module 7: the brain Lower Brain limbic system- helps regulate memory, fear, aggression,
hunger, and thirst amygdala-
controls emotional responses hippocampus-
proccesses new memories for permanant storage hypothalamus-
regulates body's maintenance activities
(eating drinking body temp) likned to
emotion cerebellum-
helps conduct voluntary movements and
ballance thalamus-
sends messages to sensory recieving areas
in cortex reticular formation-
controls wakefulness and arousal medulla-
controlls funtions that help you live
(heartbeat, breathing) brainstem-
responsible for automatic survival functions Cerebral Cortex occipital lobe-
includes primary sight processing areas of the brain temporal lobe-
includes hearing areas of the brain parietal lobe-
processes information frontal lobe-
involved in planning and judgement corpus callosum-
connects brain hemispheres and allows them to communicate longitudinal fissure-
divides cerebral cortex into left and right hemispheres cerebral cortex-
body's control and information proccessing center