によって Sammy Keane 6年前.
Moonwalking With Einstein
The text delves into the intricacies of memory and the brain's capabilities, exploring various perspectives and studies. It introduces the idea that the brain functions like a muscle, benefiting from memory training much like physical exercise strengthens the body.
Moonwalking with Einstein (chapters 1 and 2/ pages 27-123) Written by Joshua Foer Tony Buzan (44-57) "never forget a telephone number or date" book (59) the brain is like a muscle Eleanor Maguire (103-108) visual memory and spatial navigation mental athletes brought sixteen taxi drivers into her lab and examined their brains Journalist S (Introduced on 65) Condition made him Unempolyable seeing words as colors or numbers and having a meaning to each word A never forgetting Alien the man who remembered too much/ "This man was Unstoppable" brain- Summary from both Chapters 1 and 2 Penfield came to believe that the brain records everything to which it pays any degree of conscious attention the brain is a muscle and memory training is a form of a mental workout a mutable organ capable of neuroplasticity Williem Wagenaar (81-82) "in light of this one cannot say that any event was completely forgotten" (82) photographic memory Ed Cooke (40-72) Baker/ Baker Paradox memory palace think in more memorable ways Memory Championship- Chapter 1 Ed Cooke/ Tony Buzan (40, 44) Ben Pridmore's Memory (33-41) fifty thousand digits of pi memorize the order of decks "highest IQ" (33) "Worlds smartest person" (32) Memory- Summary from both Chapters 1 and 2 image memory example long term and short term training of the memory photographic (real or not)