によって Mike's Office 6年前.
My First Mind Map
Various educational philosophies emphasize different objectives, roles, and curriculum focuses. Humanistic education prioritizes student interests and intellectual growth, with teachers acting as guides for problem-solving and inquiry.
Humanistic, Self Actualization Philosophy: Progressivism Based on students' interests guide for problem solving and inquiry Intellectual growth of the individual alternative and free schooling humanistic education Academic (scholar, rationalism) Philosophy: Essentialism Essential skills and subjects Authority of a subject Mastery of concepts Objectives promote intellectual growth Back to basics Cognitive Processes/Systemic Philosophy: Perennialism Classical subjects Helps students think rationally Questions students using Socratic method Mastery of facts and timeless knowledge educate students to be rational great books Curriculum Philosophies Social Reconstruction/Reconstructionalst Philosophy: Reconstructionalism Curriculum Focus Cultural Pluralism Role of Teacher Change agent Knowledge Learning for current and future society Objective education for social reform Improve society Trends Cultural pluralism Equality