カテゴリー 全て - skills - planning - responsibilities - organization

によって Jessica Li - Glenforest SS (2172) 6年前.


My Possible Contributions

Jessica Li expresses a deep interest in volunteering, focusing on two primary areas: event organization and assisting at retirement homes. She believes that engaging in event planning and execution will enhance her responsibilities, time management, and organizational skills, which are not only crucial for her career but also valuable life skills.

My Possible Contributions

My Possible Contributions Based On My Interests By Jessica Li (689643)

Volunteering: Retirement Home Help/ Care

Processing: This opportunity is more challenging than the other ones listed but I feel like this is very important to my career path. I do need to wait until I'm 16, and take a CPR course, but I feel like this opportunity uses my listening and advice giving skills to it's full extent. I also feel like there are many skills I can learn from this opportunity, and it definitely fulfills my personal goal of helping as many individuals as I can.
Investigating: After a little bit of poking around, I found that there is an age restriction on this volunteer opportunity, as well as a pre-requisite that is needed. A lot of nursing homes have postings which is a good place to start looking for these types of opportunities. Skills you need include basic first aid/ CPR (certification needed), the ability to cook, do basic house chores, and previous volunteering experience with a hospital or other retirement homes. Volunteers must be able to provide a comfortable talking environment, be patient with elders (especially if they have dementia, Alzheimer's etc.), they must be good listeners and not be grossed out over small things.
Ask: This opportunity relates to my career goal because it closely relates to taking care of people. It also matches my skill of listening to other people, taking care of people, and giving advice to others. This is also an area of my interest. I really want to learn what people do to help elders, especially elders without any relatives with them, and other people in need.

Volunteering: Event Organization, Planning, and Execution

Processing: I strongly believe that these types of events can help me because I need a little more experience having proper responsibilities, and following deadlines. This may not be important to a job specifically, however it is an important life skill I feel I should have.
Investigating: This opportunity involves interacting with others, managing errands and money, keeping track of current events, and being able to follow instructions. I can find these opportunities by contacting event managers, asking other people or websites to find opportunities for me, or going out to meet people myself.
Ask: This opportunity relates to my personal skills, I am good at planning, organizing thoughts, and following instructions. I can use my skills to benefit the community and at the same time, learn more about myself and what I like to do.

Part-Time Job/ Summer Job: Baby Sitter

Processing: I think this job is important to my career path because I want to be a psychiatrist, and I will have to listen to a lot of different people, and be able to, to an extent, take care of them. Patience is an important skill that I can learn from babysitting, as well as multitasking. I think that if I could find the chance, I should really find an opportunity for me to babysit.
Investigating: Many baby-sitting opportunities can be found on job search websites, for example care.com Some skills this job require being able to cook, take care of children, animals, and put them to bed. Important skills that are needed include having patience, and being understanding of that a child is thinking. Being able to multitask is also important because in some cases, you have to clean and look after kids at the same time.
Ask: This job relates to my ability to listen to different people and understand them well. It is also important to be responsible and to get along with children well, which is an important communication skill I have.

Part-Time Job/ Summer Job: Barista/ Coffee Shop Server

Processing: I think this job is not the best for me, as of right now, but in the future, I think that this would be a great opportunity to learn about the workplace. Many of the skills needed for this job is important, for any career path.
Investigating: I am currently underage, and will be for the next year or so. Ignoring the fact that I cannot apply for these jobs, I can find these opportunites posted on cafe doors or online on their websites. From this opportunity, I will be asked to work with different customers, employee, be able to manage time well, and perform tasks effectively.
Ask: This opportunity relates to my interests because I am interested in making coffee, but most importantly, I am interested in working with currency. I have never worked with money, ever, so having a part time job as a server may be a good opportunity to learn new skills.

Volunteering: Canvassing with a Campaign Office

Processing:I think this opportunity can really help me grow as a person. It is also important to my career path because I have the opportunity to meet others and share opinions a thoughts.
Investigating: How do I apply to get this opportunity? I can get this opportunity by looking for the campaign managers and contacting them, as well as applying online on their websites.
Ask: This opportunity relates to my interests because it gives me an opportunity to meet new people, share points of view, and learn about managing big events.