によって Kayne Leung 4年前.
My prefered Learning Style: VISUAL
Visual learners benefit from strategies that leverage their preference for seeing and observing. One effective method is using examples, which provide clear guidance and help them follow along more easily.
My prefered Learning Style: VISUAL Tips to make it work note Taking many note as possible as you can and write down lots of details Phonic Using alphabet phonic puzzle to help spelling stronger Example can let the visual learner to follow and understands It's very hard to stay focus when too much distraction around. It will be helpful to seat close to the teacher or make less distraction around. Put the information in associate with picture colours slogan to expand your memory Try to demonstrate the information in physical manners or role play. watch It will take in spoken
information better if it is
accompanied with visual aids; like
Video is a great learning tool. Main topic It has five features phonic very bad in spelling Example when there is an example it'll be easier to understand clearly Look around Looking around for something to watch or to look at when lose interest. Memory Memorize with pictures Seeing Learning by seeing things that can take information through diagrams and pictures. Watch `