によって ayood helo 17年前.
my prefered softwares
The text provides an extensive overview of various software tools and applications designed for different purposes. It includes tools for screen capturing and image processing like BB Flashback and MR Capture, as well as file management systems such as Xplorer and Google Desktop.
my software Documents formats MS reader add in for MS Word Repligo CHM Pocket CHM WebCHM PDF PDF professional indexing google deskop Note collectors one note evernote online applications Documents editing partial win integration offline sync think free
storage clipping from web pages google note media player MIRO can download based on channels. GOM player media editor and convertor editing video Video convertor total video convertor extracting, combining and spliting AOA audio extractor aduio editor sony forg audacity audio converter any audio converter switch web download portion of page repligo PDF acrobat professional web research professional specified files studio download free download manager Orbit downlaoder entire websites HTTrack file manager file note organizer xplorer Clipboard clipmate screen capture video BB flash back MR capture image sniff it