によって yanna smith 17年前.
Narcotic analgesics (sleepy painkillers)
Narcotic analgesics, commonly known as sleepy painkillers, include a variety of substances both natural and synthetic. These drugs, such as morphine, codeine, and fentanyl, are known for their potent pain-relieving properties.
Narcotic analgesics (sleepy painkillers) alfentanyl sufentanyl fentanyl proxyphene methodone demerol nalbuphine butorphanol used by vets as tranquilizers 2mg injected synthetic opioid oxycodone "hilly bill heroin" oxymorphone 1.5mg=10mg morphine morphine goes to the opiate receptors depresses respiratory system constapator Subt5-10mg injectedopic codine synthetic 10%of the relief of morphine <2.2mg/ml or in combo with Tylonol heroin bigger rush than morphine passes the blood brain barrier faster bitter taste white opiates with naloxone, will make body normal. it will reduce the tolerence withdrawl= opposite of efects small pupils reduces secretions constipation depresses respiration narcotic pentapeptides body's natural painkillers endorphins vicodin 5mg= antitusive hydrocodone synthetic opiates hydromorphine used for cancer patients 5-7x more potent than morphine