によって Alain Garrido 13年前.
The narrative revolves around the journey and trials of a legendary hero, who encounters various mythical beings and challenges. He receives crucial prophecies from a seer in the underworld, which guide him on his path home.
Odyssey Chronological order of Events 17. Ithaka 16. Phaiakians- Nausikaa & feast--> alkinoos sends men to take him back to ithaka 15. Kalypso- held him 7 yrs as her love slave- Zeus sends Hermes to tell Kalypso to let him go--> Odysseus builds raft 14. Thrinakia- island where Helios' cattle are--> stranded & starving men eat cattle 13. Skylla & Kharybdis- kirke & teiresias tell him to take the skylla & lose only 6 men instead of all 12. Sirens- odysseus allowed to listen to siren song tied to mast 11. aiaia- bury elpenor & kirke tells him how to get home 10. Underworld- teiresias tells him how to get home. meets other important people in underworld 9. Aiaia- Kirke- turns men except Odysseus into swine (Hermes gives him antidote to Kirke's potion) 8. laistrygonians- eat almost all of the men--> odysseus' ship gets away 7. go back to aiolos--> aiolos sends them away "cursed" 6. almost to ithaka but the crew opens the bag of winds aiolos gave to them 5. king Aiolos- gives them the bag of winds 4. Kyklopes- stab his eye & steal his sheep--> poseidon curses them 3. Lotos Eaters- some men don't want to leave 2. Kikones- kill, pillage & rape women, steal livestock 1. Troy Gods and Goddesses Persephone Kharybdis Skylla kyklops (polyphemus) poseidon's son
ino sea nymph that told odysseus to ditch raft helios poseidon kirke hermes kalypso athena People tu madre tenga un gato gordo Seareach insulted Odysseus ("merchant/businessman") Prince Laodamas challenged Odysseus @ Alkinoos' feast Agamemnon Odysseus sees him in underworld. Warns against women Laistrygonians eat most of his people Your mom is great in bed Neoptolemus Ideal son/Greek Man: 1. great speaker; 2. great warrior; 3. fearless Akhilleus's son Teiresias Prophet in the underworld. Must drink the blood first Antikleia Elpenor falls off roof @ Kirke's island, Odysseus finds him in the underworld Lotos Eaters Demodokos The Harper-Phaiakians akhilleus Queen Arete Alknoos's wife. Nausikaa king Alkinoos telemakhos penelope odysseus Places sicily kyklopes Skheria Island Phaiakians Thrinakia Island where Helios' cattle are Aiaia Kirke's island