によって valentina chavez 4年前.
Danny Holguinにより
Aimee Silvaにより
Irene Ríos Cuetoにより
Make a weekly plan, fill in each task and then check them off as the week advances.
We all love Friday! And it's finally here. Look back at what you've managed to achieve this week and check what's in the pipeline for today.
Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.
El iluminador es el encargado de dar luz en las zonas de sombra del rostro para realzar los rasgos. Gracias al iluminador, podemos destacar lo que más nos guste de nuestro rostro.
Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.
Y por ultimo para sellar el maquillaje y darle un toque final, se aplica un polvo traslúcido y aplicar un spray fijador.
Happy Thursday! Hang in there, Friday will come before you know it. Think back to all the tasks scheduled for this week and see what else is left for today.
Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.
Se sella el maquillaje
Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week, they say. You're halfway through the week, see what plans you have set for today.
Choose from the examples below or add your own.
Choose from the examples below or add your own.
Se aplica la mascara de pestañas y si la cliente lo desea se colocan pestañas, dependiendo cual escoga la cliente.
You got through Monday! Congratulations! Now let's see what tasks are in the pipeline for today.
4.Primero se aplica el primer para parpados 5. despues para mi se debe comenzar por los ojos osea aplicando las sombras, ya que se puede limpiar debajo de los ojos si es necesario por la sombra que cae y se pueden corregir la cejas, sin dañar el corrector o la base.
A fresh start, a clean slate, and a lot of potential for great things to come. That is what Mondays really are!
Begin your week with a good plan in mind and follow the guidelines to organize the week ahead.